According to Webster's Dictionary a hobby implies "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure." Similarly, an addiction is referred to as "the condition of being habitual, dedicated, or devoted to a substance, thing, or activity"....
Are you seeing where I'm going with this???
It was like the time we got our dehydrator and I couldn't stop extracting the moisture from food. Apples, bananas, grapes, pineapple, deer meat, green beans, mango, turkey, mushrooms. Well, you get the idea. It was so insane, the family staged an intervention and turned me on to rotisserating instead. that machine too!
I really thought I had myself under control.
I wasn't going to fall victim again. No more weaknesses.
I'm strong, dangit. I'm strong!!
And then there was Regina....
She came out with these new cut files that sent my salivary glands into overload and as soon as I downloaded the files, I was a flower making fool for DAYS!!
I actually went to bed one night at 9:30 and was up at midnight because I couldn't stop thinking about the endless possibilities. Stayed up the whole night and all the next day, cutting, crimping, distressing, folding, gluing and having a blast!
I'm proud to say that I was able to reign in my obsessive compulsive behavior and call it quits (for now anyway) at 22 sheets of flowers.
Oh but where to keep some of these cuties??'s recycling and repurpose time!!

Mod Podge did the task of disguising this Dell box with vintage sheet music and a die cut flourish I cut on the Silhouette cutter that aided in showing off this groovy glass knob I received from a blog buddy
Next a painting of Gesso applied and then some groovy leaves from the cutting machine and a few swipes of Washi tape for decor.
I added some of the gorgeous flowers from my latest and greatest addiction,
The Cutting Cafe, and then a fabulous clock piece from another very sweet blog
buddy. :)
Here's a view of the backside where I cut out hinges on the Silhouette machine and then added pearls. The original box lid covered the entire base box, but by cutting the back section off and making a few adjustments, I now have a box that opens on hinges.
Flowers up close....
And more flowers up close!
And a side view too.
Here it is again closed and then...
Viola...jam packed with the most fun flower sets I've ever used!!!
Okay, so maybe I have a little problem...
but I'm totally okay with it!!
Hugs to you and thank you SO SO SO much for your visit!!!
I very much enjoyed my time with you.
Happy Crafting...
Lisa xxx