Sunday, July 3, 2011

Doodled By Lisa

* Images updated randomly so be sure to check back *
If these interest you in the least,
please feel free to use them.
* If you use these images for your personal use only and post on a blog, I  only ask that you give credit somewhere in your post.
* If you intend to sell your cards with my image I ask that my name remain with the image, thank you.

I will be updating these frequently and if you'd like to request a doodle,
 just send me an email or leave request here.
Thank you...
Lisa xx

Snowman Hugs
Unemployment Concerns
Annual Family Photo 2
Turducken Thanksgiving Wishes
Annual Family Photo
Trick Or Treat
Old Friends
 "Thinking of You"...
my humor again ;)
Patriotic Country Decor
 Miss You
His n' Hers
Random Humor


Scrumplescrunch said...

You are a very clever Doodler Lisa.

Maire Gamber said...

So you are an artist, my friend! I love, love, love each one! Isn't it fun? You did a great job and they would be so much fun to color. Did you get your Copic markers yet?

Maire Gamber said...

Lisa, check this out..... it's called zentangle

I think I will try it sometime!

Shirley said...

I think you should sell them to a stamp company as a designer. So there!!!

Bettina L. said...

Just so cute. You are good my friend;) Hugs Bettina

Michelle VP said...

How cute! I think I like stamps b/c then I don't have to draw, but with your creativity you could just doodle all your own cards. :)

Margaret said...

These are great! DH and I celebrate our anniversary next month and I just have to use your talk dirty sketch!! TFS!!

Marjo said...

Wow Lisa,

You are very talented! Thanks for sharing.

xoxo Marjo

Moments by Marla said...

Thank you so much for these wonderful images!!! You are so generous.

susan said...

These are great! How generous you are to us! Thank you very much for these!!!

Lucy Pochedly said...

Love the snowmen funny

Josie Cox said...

This is my first time coming to your site. Love your images and your wicked sense of humor. Love of the snowman family. Hugs

Shelly said...

These are fabulous, Lisa. I love your sense of humor. Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing.

SuSan said...


Anonymous said...

Those are just too cute, thank you.

Kelley said...

I love your humor! The annual family photo is wonderful. Thank you.

jperr said...

Thanks for sharing the great image.

Unknown said...

Too cute! Thanks for sharing

AprilsL8 said...

Thank You!!

Jacqui said...

cute images, thanks for sharing.

Kathleen said...

Love the snow family, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love your images! I dig your sense of humour. Thank you for the freebies.

Kmcolter said...

I love the snowman family! Too funny!!

cass said...

Love the snowman family, what a funny image

Anonymous said...

What fun! I LOVE the family portrait! Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

ok, cute, but teh family portrait just says it all! thanks

Anonymous said...

Great images.


Cajun Beauty said...

Can I sell the greeting cards that I make from these? What are your TOU?

Katya said...

LOL at your images. Thank you so much for sharing. I really love the talking dirty one.

Danielle said...

What fantastic images! Thank you so much for sharing your work.

txexperiment said...

These are different and very well done. Thanks so much!

Sandy said...

I love your sense of humor!

Michelle J M said...

Just love the snow familys, have downloaded them, thank you! Michelle x

Stampindamour said...

*LiSa* - LMAO! These are hysterical!!! You have FAB witty sense of humor, plus you are really talented! xo

-pamela :)