Mason Jar Lid 9
Don't tell on me. I should be cleaning and cooking for tomorrow, but this latest tag from The 12 Tags of Christmas would not leave my brain alone.
So let's have a gander....
I, for the first time (and quite possibly last) used a fine sheet of gold leaf metal to cover my jar lid. I did like most times and ignored instruction, causing the most sticky gilded mess ever. I looked like I had tried to tar and feather myself in bling. Needless to say, it got completed and once attached, I applied 'glob dots' of TH Distress paints in Black Soot and Antique Linen for highlights. THEN, if I wasn't plastered up enough (and I don't mean in the fun liquid way) I added even more sticky stuff to seal it all in with Mod Podge.
Setting that lid waaaay out of my sight for a bit, I focused on the inside of the lid for the background. I decided to have my first play with the Tim Holtz Compendium of Curiosities Challenge #16 and whereby I am sworn to secrecy and cannot, out of respect and utmost admiration for Tim and his wicked groovy brain, divulge the technique steps. Except for to say that the challenge is Layering Stencil: Embossing, pg. 50. That much I can say and the above picture shows some TH goodies I used to make mine.
Now to the 3rd step in this ornament. The inspiration piece that really jumped off of Linda's tag for me....the vellum! Yes indeedy, Linda's creation is oozing with distinguished and lavish beauty and took my breath away, but I was hyperventilating at the sight of her translucent yumminess she included. My entire ornament is designed around the black, gold and cream colors and vellum.
Above you can see where I've drawn on the vellum.
Here I've added some liquid glass and opalescent 'snow' flakes to make my frozen lake.
Oh, one other thing. Linda's snowflake has musical notes peeking out from the rosette and I really loved that so I coated my traditional plastic snowflake with decoupage and then fitted a sheet of music to it best I could.
Pine cones and foliage were added that mirrored the stamping on Linda's tag also.
Then the little skaters and the scenery was complete.

Before I go, thank you so much to The Funkie Junkie Boutique for sponsoring not only Linda's challenge at The Funkie Junkie but also for CC3C. I'd also like to add this little ornament to the Frilly and Funkie Challenge for their inspired ideas for A Gift From the Heart. My grandmother Jerry's birthday is on Christmas day and she LOVES to collect ornaments for her tree. It's the perfect gift!
For those of you whom celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving to you and for those that do not...I hope you have a fabulous and relaxing weekend.
Hugs to you and ALL and happy crafting,
Lisa x