According to Webster's Dictionary a hobby implies "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure." Similarly, an addiction is referred to as "the condition of being habitual, dedicated, or devoted to a substance, thing, or activity"....
Are you seeing where I'm going with this???
It was like the time we got our dehydrator and I couldn't stop extracting the moisture from food. Apples, bananas, grapes, pineapple, deer meat, green beans, mango, turkey, mushrooms. Well, you get the idea. It was so insane, the family staged an intervention and turned me on to rotisserating instead. that machine too!
I really thought I had myself under control.
I wasn't going to fall victim again. No more weaknesses.
I'm strong, dangit. I'm strong!!
And then there was Regina....
She came out with these new cut files that sent my salivary glands into overload and as soon as I downloaded the files, I was a flower making fool for DAYS!!
I actually went to bed one night at 9:30 and was up at midnight because I couldn't stop thinking about the endless possibilities. Stayed up the whole night and all the next day, cutting, crimping, distressing, folding, gluing and having a blast!
I'm proud to say that I was able to reign in my obsessive compulsive behavior and call it quits (for now anyway) at 22 sheets of flowers.
Oh but where to keep some of these cuties??'s recycling and repurpose time!!

Next a painting of Gesso applied and then some groovy leaves from the cutting machine and a few swipes of Washi tape for decor.
I added some of the gorgeous flowers from my latest and greatest addiction, The Cutting Cafe, and then a fabulous clock piece from another very sweet blog buddy. :)
Here's a view of the backside where I cut out hinges on the Silhouette machine and then added pearls. The original box lid covered the entire base box, but by cutting the back section off and making a few adjustments, I now have a box that opens on hinges.

And more flowers up close!
And a side view too.
Here it is again closed and then...
Viola...jam packed with the most fun flower sets I've ever used!!!
Okay, so maybe I have a little problem...
but I'm totally okay with it!!
Hugs to you and thank you SO SO SO much for your visit!!!
I very much enjoyed my time with you.
Happy Crafting...
Lisa xxx
They are fabulous Lisa and of course you needed somewhere to store them!! xx
Wow, your handmade flowers are absolutely stunning! Love the repurposed box too. Now about that definition in the beginning..... :-)
I share your addiction, I wish I shared your talent!! Amazing lady you should sell those gorgeous flowers and that ox well don't get me started on how fabulous that is!!! Your talent knows no bounds
Hugs Laurie xx
No need to join Paper Addicts anonymous yet......please let us enjoy the results for a long time before you decide to quit....
I am falling in lovw with this box Lisa,,, and all over OMG I want a flower sheet hahahahahah...... such a lot of amazing goodies,,,
Such a transformation on that box Lisa..absolutely gorgeous..and those beautiful flowers..the colours and all the different designs..gorgeous.
Well, it doesn't look like a problem to me... just look at all those stunning flowers. And who needs sleep, anyway?
I'm blown away by the beauty of those sheets of floral extravagance... and as for the box you've created to store them - well, I needed my fingers to put my dropped jaw back in place!
Simply gorgeous - every petal, and paper, and die-cut... love, love, love it all!
Alison xx
Good morning, Lisa! Thanks for the smile, I really enjoyed today's post. Your flower sets and re-purposed box, turned out amazing.... WOW!! :):):) Don't worry my dear, your artwork is far too lovely to qualify as a problem. Keep doing what you so obviously love. Oh and thanks again for your inspiring inspiration!
Your box is an out of this world treasure! A real keepsake no matter what you put in it. A string of pearls?
Your flowers are gorgeous! I can certainly understand what got you so excited. Your makes are always wonderful - no matter what is turning your wheels be it Halloween or gorgeous flowers. I am pea green with envy!!!!!
Sandy xx
Lisa what am I going to do with you??? Now you have done it... I will have to go and buy these stunning flowers and I totally understand how you feel. Anyone that that creates crafts all have the same illness you have. Thanks for sharing the files.
Hugs, Pat
If that dictionary is correct then there are a lotta lotta gals in blogland that need to check in to some clinic! I've no idea what therapy could fix us though! Fear not, you are definitely not alone!
Now as for those flowers!! Get outta here! They are super duper fantabulous! Honestly! Look like they just came off some heavenly production line. And the box (with brill hinges) is stunning! Knockout work Lisa. Have a great week. Nicola x
wow -your box ist great! very beautiful ....a wonderful idea!!
many greetings
and to think i was just getting ready to go to the nursery and get some flowers.....GOODNESS MY for sure have the PAPER GARDEN GREEN THUMB....hahahaha
Hello Q
Ummmm,I do not believe you have OCD but you may have a disorder; eccentric does come to mind, there does appear to be a few similarities with how you are presenting yourself,eg unusual and peculiar behaviour, sometimes odd!!!!Add this to your quirkiness and I am a tad concerned on your mental health.
You feeling okay?
I think we all recognise that at one time or another this condition hits the creative soul and does appear to make one deviate from what others see as customary practice, it is not disturbing though you will be relieved to know, however it will probably return, once you have it, it is usually for life!
The positive side to this condition is that one produces amazing creations, and goodness you are certainly a leading example, and I would guess many of us would like to have this condition, like right now for a little while.
The box is just fabulous decorated with the gorgeous flowers, and how symbolic you added a clock face, after working all night.
Love everything you have made, I adore the flowers.
Lisa Lisa Lisa - you do have a problem but of the BEST KIND. Those flowers are awesome and I can relate to crafty things running through your head instead of sleeping lol
What you made for those exquisite flowers is just as amazing. Of course you had to make something spectacular to keep them in and use up a few of those flowers you had just made. I wish I had some of your talent and no doubt patience. Love seeing your creativeness. Keep 'em coming Hugs Ina PS You should be selling them but then you would never get to sleep lol
Wow and I thought I had an addictive personality:)!! Gorgeous flowers and what a wonderful variety. Awesome design and creativity with the altered box as well...of course you rocked it.
Being creative Lisa is not a hobby it is a way of life, so you just carry on the way you are, its always such a pleasure to visit your blog and see your wonderful creations, I love this storage box but I have a feeling that the contents wont be there for very long
Kevin xx
Ha-ha, you are a member of an extremely large and happy group, we meet regularly in our craft areas alone, preferably! Wonderful and beautiful creations, each flower is perfect and as a group unbelievably lovely! Pretty box to store them in too!
LMBO! You are so funny! I do the same thing, why lay in bed when I can get into the craft room and create! I see you are a bit more compulsive than me, must be that you are younger with more energy!!
I adore the flowers, I thought they were Prima at first, they look amazing!! Your box is amazing, love the box decorated like that and the twisted metal leaves too! You must work like this all the time as all your creations look this fabulous!
Hugs Kelly
I totally understand as I went nuts with the block file. I LOVE all your flowers. Mine don't look as nice as yours, but I've been having fun with the file as well.
funny you should mention the dehydrator as we are now FINALLY finished with dehydrating apple slices....eight 5 gallon buckets of apples worth! (we have apple trees) AND made deer jerky this weekend. LOL. Sure wish I had a rotisserie too. Oh my the fun I would have with that! Ü
So I took a quick peek at this post this morning, my eye balls fell out and I decided to take a longer look later.
Someone brought the mail in and there was a package in there from yesterday! And I started FREAKING OUT SINCE IT WAS FROM YOU!
yeah. I would have texted you hours and hours ago, but I went into this mad crafting flower feeding fenzy!
Tomorrow you need to see what I made, OMG. I am so excited to show you!!!!!!!!
Wow Lisa! Your altered box is absolutely gorgeous! Your flowers are also amazing! I'll have to check out that template as I love love and am addicted (?) to flowers! LOL Thanks so much for your kind comments on the LRS blog about my card. Your cards/projects are fantastic. I have added myself as a follower of your blog and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful projects! Hugs, Marcy
Okay do I need to start calling you Crab Claw Twang cause your poor digits have got to be permanently bent after all that. Boy are they gorgeous though. You'll be stocked up for...a little while. ;-) Hugs!
Wow ! The flowers look so pretty and even the box !
Oh! my word Lisa.. you are just amazing!! Such beautiful flowers and your box is truly 'STUNNING'.. Keep on doing what you do, as you have a gift sent from heaven that you use so well!! and it gives us all such pleasure and inspiration to see your fabulous creations!!
Marjorie xx
OMG, those flowers look so professional, Lisa! Stunning box too! Would be a great gift for your friend here! ;)
Oh yeah, I'll make sure there's a spare room for you in my ocean view house!
I think every single one of us crafters can relate! We thrive on the overkill when we love something! Gorgeous flowers and your altered box is sublime! LOVE!!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous box! And what wonderful flowers. I can't believe how many you made! (Thank you for the "Boo" idea for the house - love that!) Have a wonderful week!
VERY impressed by how gorgeous your own made flowers are! And the beauty of the box has left me almost speechless. Love its shabby chic style, love the clock detail too, and the sentiment is perfect for the intended use of this box.
Oh my...wonderful flowers and gorgeous box it all its flower glory! Thanks for popping in to follow my blog-I knew we were soulmates when I saw the Valentine tree LOL!!!
WOW - Firstly all your flowers are stunning - that must have kept you busy. And then you box, absolutely gorgeous!!! I love all the papers and details! TFS
<3 This post Lisa!! Your flowers are amazing....and that box!! I'm drooling all over the screen!
Your projects are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!
What a fun, fun post. But Lisa, my dear, I do believe you have a bit of a problem! I, on the other hand, struggled to make even 5 flowers that turned out well enough to work on this week's post. Kudos to you for all the beauty. I am envious!
Do you have any idea how much I've missed you? Well, it's a lot and sadly I still won't be able to get over here as much as I'd like, smothering under a mountain at the moment. Hmmm...addiction, me? No, it just isn't possible! Hey, we can be addicts together. Those flowers are simply stunning my friend and that box is simply gorgeous. That is definitely something I wish I had more time for--making flowers. It is about item #792 on my 'to do' list. At least it looks like you won't need any for awhile. ;)
Much love and miss you,
Well, if you're going to have a hobby obsession, this is one fabulous vice! Your flowers would put anything in the stores to shame and you can never run out!! LOVE that your compulsion required the storage container have matching flowers as well!
Sleep is somewhat over-rated and just look at those fabulous flowers. I can see exactly why you got really into making them. And just think of all the time you've saved when you next need a flower! Superb repurposing of the Dell box too. It looks gorgeous. Jenny x
Well I was going through my crafty Pinterest board today and voila, your post with these gorgeous flowers appeared. I don't know how I missed visiting here and leaving a comment but I am here now so better late than never lol. These are off the chart gorgeous L2! What a labor of love and FUN girly and the box is DIVINE!!! xx
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